Dr. Yi Zhang


Country/Region: China

University: Instituteof Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Brief introduction of research: 

Engaged in theresearch field of new environmental material application, ecological restorationand photocatalytic technology. As main researcher participating in the NaturalScience Foundation of China, Major Science and Technology Program for WaterPollution Control and Treatment of China and National Key Technology Program, China.With more than 40 academic papers published in the core journals at home andabroad, 9 SCI papers published as first author, more than 20 Chinese inventionpatents.


[1] Zhang Yi, WangChuan, He Feng, Zeng Lei, Liu Biyun, Zhou Qiaohong, Wu Zhenbin. In-situAdsorption-Biological Combined Technology Treating Sediment Phosphorus in allFractions in West Lake, Hangzhou, China. Scientific Reports. Sci. Rep. 6,29725; doi: 10.1038/srep29725 (2016). (Five-year IF: 5.525)     

[2] Zhang Yi, XiaShibin, Kong Lingwei, Xu Dong, He Feng, Xiao Enrong, Wu Zhenbin. Research onthe treatment of sediment phosphorus with combined technology of PCFM andsubmerged macrophytes. Environment Pollution. 2015. 206, 705-711. (Five-yearIF: 5.008)

[3] Zhang Yi, ZhangYaolei, He Feng, Xia Shibin, Kong Lingwei, Zeng Lei, Wu Zhenbin. Releasecharacteristics of sediment P in all fractions of Donghu Lake, China.Ecological Engineering. 2016. (Five-year IF:  3.223)

[4] Zhang Yi , He Feng ,Kou Dandan , Xu Dong, Xia Shibin, Wu Zhenbin. Adsorption Properties of Phosphorusin Sediments by Porous Ceramic Filter Media Coated with Nano-titanium dioxideFilm. Ecological Engineering. 2014, 64: 186-192. (Five-year IF:  3.223)

[5] Zhang Yi, XiaShibin, Luo Ji, Zhang Yimin. Phosphate removing performance of acid picklingmilling wastewater from high-phosphate hematite mineral processing by activatedred mud. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2010, 20 (1-3): 203-208. (SCI)

[6] Zhang Yi, He Feng,Xia Shibin, Xiao Enrong, Wu Zhenbin. Photocatalytic Reduction   of  Phosphorus in the Acid Pickling Milling Wastewater from High-phosphorusHematite Mineral Processing. Desalination and water treatment. 2012, 40 (1-3):38-44. (SCI)