University: Departmentof Transportation and Shipping Logistics, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Brief introduction of research:
Dr. Daniel(Jian) Sunreceived his Ph.d from Transportation Engineering at University of Florida (UF)in 2009, and his dissertation advisor is Dr. Lily Elefteriadou. Before startingthe Ph.D. study, he had received my bachelor’s and master’s degree in China in ElectronicalEngineering and Computer Science, respectively.
He has been working as anassistant professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2010, and now he isa full professor and deputy chair in the department of transportation andshipping logistics. His major research interests include:
Driver Behavior on Urban Arterial Streets,
Urban Driver Behavior Modelling andSimulation,
Traffic Operation and Signal ControlOptimization,
GIS for Transportation (GIS-T)